
Launch Conference, Part 2: Eight Contrarian Ideas

Ok, next section from the Launch Conference….

These are the 8 Contrarian Church Launching Ideas. What that means is that these are ideas that are true of church planting, but don’t necessarily seem intuitive. Here are those ideas:

1. Your call to start a church is the most critical factor to the church’s success.
  • It will be hard. You’ll feel like giving up at times. But the conviction of your call will sustain you.
2. Don’t be afraid to raise funds from other churches.
  • Pursue all avenues for raising funds: individuals, churches, mission organizations, etc.
3. Build your new church from the outside in.
  • Here, Nelson Searcy drew the five concentric circles that Rick Warren talks about in The Purpose-Driven Church. At the center is your Core group. Then moving outward: Committed, Congregation, Crowd, and Community.
  • Don’t start by building your Core. If you do, they will become too inward-focused.
  • Build up from the Community and move them in toward becoming the Core.
4. Resist the temptation to do everything at first.
  • Don’t try to do everything when you start. You’ll spread yourself and your church too thin.
  • Focus on doing one thing well—in the case of a new church, the weekend service.
  • In the early days of the church, don’t do small groups.
5. Use 3-6 monthly worship services to build up to weekly services.

6. Don’t try to gather the churched; stay focused on the unchurched.
  • Church planting is about reaching the unchurched.
7. You can start a church much faster than you think.
  • You can start within 4-9 months of moving into the area God has called you to reach.
8. You can grow a church much faster than you think.

1 comment:

梁爵 said...

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