
Hospitality and Incarnation

I'm preaching this weekend on the biblical concepts of hospitality and incarnation. Both of these, I believe, are incredibly important for living life as a follower of Christ.

Hospitality is the welcoming of others into our midst. Incarnation refers to going and embodying Christ in another place, culture, or people-group. They are two sides of the same coin--the coin of God's compassion.

I think it could be argued that almost anything we do as Christians ought to fulfill one of these two Christian concepts. In other words, anything we do ought in some way to reflect the value of either hospitality and/or incarnation.

Over the next several days, I'll post some more ideas regarding these two themes. I'll also post my sermon on this topic (if I don't forget to start my digital recorder this week!!).


DGH said...

I have always wondered about Zaccheus (sp?)? Here is a man that Christ invited himself to his home. It is almost like both of those combined...hospitality, but forcing someone else to practice it, heh. Still interesting none the less.

Kyle said...

Good for you, man! Have you seen Christine Pohl's book?

Markus Watson said...

D.G., yeah, Zaccheus is a pretty cool example. Jesus incarnated himself into Zaccheus' life by forcing Zaccheus to be hospitable. Interesting...

Kyle, I haven't seen Pohl's book, but I just looked it up on Amazon. Looks pretty good! I may have to check it out.

DGH said...

It is a great book man! I had her as my professor in Christian Ethics @ Asbury and she is such a sweet person...funny story about her...I need to tell you sometime! She really is considered to be one of the top people on hospitality. It is so funny that you never realize who you have teaching you until you get out into the real world, heh. anyway thanks!