
Launch Conference, Part 10B: Building Systems for On-going Growth

Ok... Part two of this section of my notes from the Launch Conference:

4. Baptism

Be able to answer these questions:
  • How do we make sure people understand the meaning and significance of baptism?
  • How do we capture our first baptism on video or with photography? How do we get the video or photos out to the entire church in the coming weeks?
  • How do we capture the stories and testimonies of those being baptized? How do we maximize these as celebrations of what God is doing in our church family?
  • How do we signify the event for those being baptized? Do we give them certificates? Framed personal photos? Group pictures?
  • How do we promote the next baptism at our first baptism?

5. Recordkeeping and Databases
  • Contact information on everyone who attends (name, address, phone numbers, e-mail address, spouse and kids' names)
  • Weekly Sunday attendance broken down by adults and children
  • Weekly offering amount
  • Number of volunteers on Sunday
  • Number of volunteers during the week

6. Basic Accounting
  • Offering collection, counting, and deposit
  • Check writing
  • Reimbursement processes
  • Salaries/paychecks
  • Regular reports (bank account, budget, etc.)

7. Corporate/Legal Structure
  • What's the minimum structure you must have 'by law'?

8. Leadership Development System
  • My personal plan (e.g., conferences, books, podcasts)
  • My plan for staff (e.g., read books together, DVDs)
  • My plan for volunteers (create a culture where there is an abundance of leaders)

These 8 systems are crucial! Everything else can wait 8-18 months! (including membership class and small groups)


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2020.05.15酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容新冠肺炎疫情逐漸緩和,我在酒店上班的日子八大行業停業超過1個月,酒店舞廳都盼能盡快酒店小姐一定有S?復業,台北市議員林瑞圖15日召開記者會 八大行業是哪八種行業呢?替特殊娛樂工會發聲,盼北市府能讓八大行業恢復營業,北市特殊職場須知 【酒店PT 】娛樂工會副理事長胡繼堯表示,如因疫情關係要實名制,也不是問題,重點是停業一天,對從業人員而言就是酒店打工「零」收入。日前因確診個案379從事八大行業,為避免疫情擴大,中央宣布酒店舞廳一律停業,不過近期疫情和緩,八大業者盼中央能盡快恢復營業,林瑞圖指出,八大行業停業連帶影響許多行業,像是美甲、美髮或計程車業等,而這些人也要維持家計,停業一個月等於收入就停擺,也沒有任何紓困補助。林還說,北市府原本宣布預計5月25日會讓八大復業,中央也沒有意見,但大家長是柯文哲,如市長不答應,也不能開放。胡繼堯說,來到現場的業者都是合法繳稅的酒店,其實很多酒店還是關起門來營業,這也是防疫破口,倒不如採實名制開放營業,工會也會介入輔導執行防疫工作。針對25日如北市府仍不願開放酒店復業,胡表示,一切會配合政府的政策,議員也會持續跟市長協調。在八大行業上班年約30歲的Angel指出,會從事八大行業一定是家裡有困難,不然誰想做八大,但現在停業連房租都繳不出來;在酒店擔任領班的JOJO也說,原本每月都有規畫收入花費,停業後就等於完全沒收入,找家庭代工來做也找不到。