
Is social justice becoming trendy?

This is a question that I've heard posed more than once lately. In a recent group discussion, someone said, "If Rick Warren is into social justice, you know it's in vogue!"

So is that true? Is it just a fad? Is Rick Warren's concern for the AIDS pandemic in Africa just something he's "into" for now? Is Bill Hybels' concern for racial reconciliation just a way for him to jump on the bandwagon?

Or is this the work of God? Is God beginning to convict those who in the past gave little or no thought to social justice? Is God causing a "revival" among evangelicals, but a revival unlike any we've seen in the past? And is God moving in the hearts of today's most influential Christian leaders so that others will hear and respond to the call for social justice?

I tend to believe that God is at work in his church. I believe that God is continuing to make us into the bride he longs for us to be. And I don't think we should dismiss what God is doing as a "fad" lest we miss what God is doing.

I, for one, don't want to miss what God is doing...


Kyle said...

Despite what the historically ignorant (contemporary Baptists) would have you believe, there's a long tradition of social justice in evangelicalism. The first theologian of the Social Gospel (which I insist was a Good Thing) was the Baptist Walter Rauschenbusch, the first Northern abolitionists were often evangelicals, and it was evangelicals in England who led the fight against the slave trade.

Anonymous said...

yeah, if social justice is trendy, we have a problem. perhaps it will be the flavor of month for a while and may die out, but that's our fault i guess. Christians better be taking part in social justice the kingdom has fully come...

Markus Watson said...

Kyle, great point! It's easy to forget those who've gone before us.

Todd, you're right. If we let it die out, it'll be our own fault... Great hearing from you, by the way.